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About AirWater.com: Air and Water Treatment Specialists

Fresh Air and Pure Water Technologies

AirWater distributes proven air and water purification systems utilizing non-chemical technologies such as very high output UVC, UVGI, or Ultra-Violet Germicidal Irradiation; Advanced Oxidation Purification including Ozone, Photo-Catalytic Oxidation - PCO, and Photo-Hydro Ionization – PHI; Chemical Filtration with Carbon and Sorbents for Gas Phase Odor and Chemical Removal; High Efficiency and HEPA Particle Air Filtration; Sub-Micron Particle Water Filters; UVGI Water Disinfection Systems; and Electronic Water Conditioning Systems.

Airwater can offer suggestions and solutions on all facets of indoor air and water contamination issues; contaminant source identification and appropriate remediation, air filtration & purification systems design, and non-chemical water treatment design. We are here to help you, non-chemically.

AirWater.Com is proud to offer the complete line of STERIL-AIRE UVC Emitters, which are used worldwide to reduce microbiological contamination in air conditioning systems, especially in hospitals and surgery centers, food processing plants, bio and clean labs, offices and homes. Airwater has over 20 years experience applying UVGI, Ultra Violet Germicidal Irradiation, UV-c light energy, in air and water systems to eliminate contaminants and increase process efficiency.

Airwater is proud to offer CLEAN ROOMS INT’L products including fan filters, terminal HEPA filters, portable and hard wall Clean Rooms, and ISO compliant clean benches and workstations.

Airwater is proud to offer AIR QUALITY ENGINEERING products including smoke and welding filters, CNC machine filters, electronic and Hi Efficiency industrial filters, and HEPA/chemical filters.

Airwater is proud to offer AUSTIN AIR SYSTEMS chemical-HEPA fan filter units for general room air cleaning.

Airwater is proud to introduce and offer its clients the innovative HYDROFLOW electronic water conditioner for mineral scale reduction and microbiological organism control in cooling towers, steam and hot water systems, pools and all water systems using chemical control methods. If you have hard water problems, with or without a softener, HydroFlow will help reduce scale and increase heat transfer.

Airwater is proud to offer EVOQUA NEPTUNE BENSEN industrial water products including ETS-UV for ultraviolet water disinfection and VORTISAND sub-micron water filtrations systems.

Fresh Air and Pure Water Applications

UVC Air and Surface Disinfection: Steril-Aire “UVC for HVAC” systems are installed in an air handler cooling coil section to “irradiate” and clean the cooling coil of mold, yeast, biofilms and other organic DNA/RNA particles. UVC, UVGI, is ultraviolet germicidal energy in C-band, 254nm wavelength (so we are not irradiating with Hulk-like Gamma rays). The reason the technology is needed in most AHUs is due to gross mold contamination from mold and yeast spores hitting and growing on wetted cooling coil fin surfaces. The cool, wet, dark conditions in an AHU are perfect for growing and amplifying, complex organic biofilms across all coil fin surfaces, and disseminating them into the airstream and ducts and breathing space. Cooling coil heat transfer and energy efficiency is reduced due to insulating effects of the microbial biofilms. Installing Steril-Aire’s “UVC for HVAC” Emitters results in cleaner, disinfected indoor air, cleaner coils and ahus, less maintenance chemicals and labor used, and higher system efficiency resulting in positive R.O.I.

UVC Air Disinfection in Hospitals, Healthcare, and Biotechnology Labs: Air disinfection in healthcare and labs entails deploying numerous levels-areas-types of UVC Emitters to increase overall disinfection of pathogenic and allergenic particles and fragments in air and breathing zone, and on surfaces of the facility. Healthcare and Lab disinfection includes Steril-Aire “UVC for HVAC” in each air handler with higher, calculated DOSE requirements, and measured field intensity at coil to provide required UVC DOSE documentation. Additionally, off-hours, ceiling or wall mounted UVC Emitter Troffers are designed to irradiate room surfaces after terminal cleaning of Operating Rooms, Labs and Procedure Rooms. Steril-Wand Hand-held Emitters are portable, corded, shielded UVC Emitters used for spot DNA disinfection on equipment, tables, notebooks, etc. in biotech, cell or QC labs. Steril-Aire’s RIDS II, Remedial In-Room Disinfection unit is a portable room UVC surface disinfection units with programmable DOSE and On/Off timer for very high UVC energy output and time sufficient to lyse and denature organic Amplicon.

UVC Irradiation and Disinfection of Food Products and Processing Equipment: Food Plants applications start with “UVC for HVAC” air handler air and coil disinfection to remove biofilms and amplified contaminants from air systems. Additionally, custom designed food processing equipment such as conveyor belt irradiation and disinfection, sausage and log roller UVC disinfection, yogurt cup and film irradiation, and direct food UVC irradiation with food tumblers, shaker tables, etc. are common. UVC is also applied in rooftops, cooling towers, evaporators, condensers and other HVAC equipment other than air handlers. UVC is approved by USDA as GRAS, Generally Recognized As Safe, for food use.

High Efficiency Particle Filtration: Particle filters are the first line of defense in any air moving or HVAC system to protect the equipment and air from dust and dirt contamination. Filters have advanced to become highly efficient barriers to airborne particles and droplets. Air filter particle removal efficiency is graded and defined by ASHRAE’s MERV (Minimum Efficiency Rating Value) Ratings. A good 2” deep, 30-40% pleated filter typically is a MERV 6 – 9, Medium Efficiency filters, 50-80%, are MERV 9-12, 90% - 95% ASHRAE filters are MERV 14-16, HEPA filters, 99.97% and 99.99% are MERV 18-19 and ULPA filters, 99.9995% are MERV 20. Applications for HEPA and high efficiency, high MERV, filters are numerous and typical in hospitals, labs, and industry. See ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning Engineers) Std 52.2 for more information. High Efficiency and HEPA Filters are used in HVAC air handlers, Ceiling mounted HEPA/ULPA Terminal Fan Filters, Portable Fan Filter Air Cleaners with HEPA Filtration, and Custom Clean Rooms, Clean Benches, Parts and Systems.

High Efficiency Industrial Particle Filtration: Many industrial applications generate large particles and other types of contaminants in the form of smoke, oil mist, and heavy contaminants (metal shavings). Industrial filters have advanced to attain a high removal efficiency on these hot, sharp, oily and possibly toxic process byproducts. Industrial filters utilize both barrier type, and electronic precipitator type filter systems for Smoke and Welding Applications, Oil Mist and CNC Machine Filters.

Chemical Filtration Systems: Industrial chemicals, home cleaning chemicals, dry cleaned clothes, molds, odors and toxins, etc. all contribute to Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) problems in homes and businesses. These chemicals are not particles and require different technologies to remove, break down, or render harmless. Chemical filtration systems are designed to remove these low level, organic and inorganic, gas-phase chemical contaminants and odors. Typical commercial and residential indoor air purifiers use carbon and/or impregnated zeolite medias for low level gas phase chemical filtration. Chemical filtration is utilized in Austin Air’s Portable Room Fan Filter Air Cleaners with HEPA and Carbon/Zeolite Filtration. Custom Carbon and Chemical Filter Medias and Filters are available for air handling systems, but they must be professionally Engineered and installed by qualified contractor. Organic chemicals can be reduced with Advanced Oxidation units such as Ozone and PHI. Industrial chemicals and processes require custom filtration solutions since Inorganic chemicals typically require selective chemical medias or advanced engineered processes. The use of barrier panel filters impregnated with carbon dust is highly discouraged.

Airwater can offer solutions on all facets of indoor air and water contamination issues, contaminant source identification and appropriate remediation, air filtration & purification systems design, and non-chemical water treatment design. We are here to help you, non-chemically.

Please see our store for genuine, OEM systems and parts for all our manufacturers.

Service Area: Middleton, Milwaukee, Stevens Point, Appleton, Fond Du Lac, Rhinelander, Waukesha, Eau Claire, Hudson, New Richmond, Mosinee and surrounding communities.

Page Summary: AirWater offers water purifier, air filter, best air purifier and water filter system. Products such as whole house water filter, best water purifier, air filter home as well as room air purifier are also part of the scope of our business. We also specialize in hepa air filter, water filter system for home in Madison, Green Bay, Appleton as well as Fond Du Lac. Other areas we serve include Rhinelander, Middleton, Milwaukee and Stevens Point. We also service La Crosse, Chippewa Falls and beyond.

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